Why Opting for Sedation Dentistry Is Better?

Feeling nervous or anxious before visiting a dentist is very common. Several patients altogether avoid going to a dentist just because they are fearful about the treatment. Well, your oral health is very important and thus avoiding going to a dentist is never a good idea. Besides, there is a way through which you can make your dental appointment comfortable – Sedation Dentistry.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

In simple words, sedation dentistry is using medications that help the patient to relax and become comfortable during the treatment. After ingesting these medications, the patient experiences decreased level of awareness. Sedation dentistry is recommended by dentist 4S Ranch to ensure the patient remains comfortable throughout the visit.

Hekmat Dental Care is one such dental clinic where you can expect to receive top-quality sedation dentistry. They take utmost care of each patient and will thoroughly go through your medical history to avoid any last-minute complications. You can visit their spa-like dental clinic in Rancho Bernardo & 4S Ranch anytime.

Who is the right candidate for sedation dentistry?

People belonging to all age groups can opt for sedation dentistry. However, sedation dentistry is often especially recommended to individuals who have:

  • Dental anxiety
  • Fear of getting dental treatments
  • Very sensitive gag reflex
  • Fear of needles (aichmophobia)
  • Extremely sensitive teeth
  • Lessened sensitivity to local anesthesia
  • Difficulty controlling their movements
  • Special needs

What sedatives are used by dentists?

There are several sedatives available and your dentist Poway will use one depending on your unique needs. Factors like your anxiety level, procedure length, medical history, allergies, and personal preferences are taken into consideration. However, there are a few common sedatives used by most dentists, they are:

Nitrous oxide

Commonly known as ‘laughing gas’, nitrous oxide is given to patients through a nosepiece. it provides calming effects and starts showing effects within 5 minutes. Your dentist will control the amount of nitrous oxide given to you throughout the procedure. Once the treatment is completed, you will be given pure oxygen to flush out the nitrous oxide from your system.

Oral conscious sedation

This type of sedative is given orally in pill form. Most dentists use triazolam, zaleplon and lorazepam. For kids, dentists use a sedative in syrup form, such as midazolam. After taking oral sedatives, you might fall asleep. However, you will be able to communicate with your dentist as and when needed during the procedure.

Intravenous (IV) sedation

This is the best and most effective option for those with severe anxiety issues and those undergoing lengthy procedures. Your dentist Rancho Bernardo will give you sedative medication through an IV line and thus it will directly enter your bloodstream. Throughout the procedure, your heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure will be monitored. You will fall asleep with this sedation and have absolutely no memory of the procedure.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry:

Makes your dental visit easier

Most individuals go for sedation dentistry because they have fear or anxiety about visiting a dentist. With the help of sedatives, dentists can attend to such patients easily. Patients are relaxed throughout their visit and experience no pain during the procedure.

Time Passes Quickly

Even when the dentist is super friendly and welcoming, the idea of simply lying in a chair and staring at the ceiling and to the dentist is awkward. On the other hand, when you are undergoing a procedure with sedatives, time passes in the blink of an eye.

Reduces your number of visits

Certain procedures need more time. Your dentist can probably complete such procedures in one sitting, but you cannot take so much dental care in one day. For such lengthy procedures, when the patient opts for sedation dentistry, it eliminates the requirement of visiting the dentist multiple times.

Helps in dealing with gag reflexes

Some individuals have very sensitive gag reflexes. Now, during dental treatment, when hands and tools are deep inside their mouth, they experience gag reflexes frequently. This slows down the procedure and completing the procedure becomes uncomfortable. Mild sedatives will help in minimizing these gag reflexes and thereby help the patient remain at ease.

High sensitivity in teeth and gums

Sensitive teeth and gums can make any dental procedure more complicated. To ensure that the procedure is completed successfully and the patient experiences a pleasant dental visit, sedatives become necessary.

Helps in controlling movements

Patients who cannot sit still or have some physical disability can benefit from sedation dentistry a lot. Using even the mildest sedatives can help the patient to relax and keep their body still.

Risks and complications of Sedation Dentistry

Usually, sedation dentistry is safe when it is administered by a certified healthcare provider. However, there are a few normal side effects that the patient may or may not experience. They are:

  • Prolonged drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Bruising (if sedatives are given via IV)

So, you see sedation dentistry makes it all super easy and comfortable for you. Now, lastly, it is best to keep in mind that after going through sedation dentistry, you will need a friend or family member to drive you home. It is strongly advised that you avoid taking a cab or rideshare home.