Pursuing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Tucson: When to Have a Lawyer Involved?

After sustaining an injury on the job, you might wonder if you deserve compensation for it and whether hiring an attorney can benefit your case. A workplace injury or illness can leave you dealing with mounting medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. And amid all these sufferings, you will have to navigate the unfamiliar workers’ compensation system in Tucson.  Because of this, you want to get help from an attorney as soon as possible. 

While the claims process seems straightforward, there are deadlines you cannot miss. Also, there are a lot of avenues you can pursue to prove your workers’ comp claim. Moreover, some claims are not approved. In this case, you especially need an attorney to help you appeal the decision. 

How Workers’ Compensation Works

Workers’ compensation offers financial coverage for employees who have sustained injuries or illnesses on the job. But just because you are injured at work does not automatically mean you can get compensation. Instead, you usually have to fight for your right to compensation and provide evidence of your injury. A skilled worker’s comp lawyer can put together medical evidence, speak with medical professionals, and navigate contested cases, so they can effectively present your claim at a committee meeting. Even if your employer or their insurer exploits what you are not aware of and your fear over your expenses and lost wages, they cannot manipulate you into accepting benefits that are lower than you deserve if you have legal representation. 

How Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney Protects Your Rights

When you hire a worker’s comp attorney, they can explain the benefits you are entitled to. Workers’ compensation insurance can cover your medical treatment or lost wages. However, you may be able to claim other costs. Your lawyer knows how and when to file a claim to ensure you get maximum benefits.

Workers’ compensation claims have a lot of deadlines, statutes of limitations, and filing dates. Your lawyer can ensure your claim forms are filled out correctly and filed promptly. These steps are important to your claim’s approval. Moreover, your lawyer can handle communications with the insurance company of your employer. This includes negotiating for a reasonable settlement with it. 

Your attorney will collect medical and vocational evidence to strengthen your claim. This evidence is important to avoid an outright claim denial. Your lawyer will collect medical records, get medical evaluations from the doctors who treat you, look for experts who can give related information, and perform depositions of medical experts to support your compensation claim.