How to Restring Blinds

Restringing a blind refers to the process of replacing the strings that raise and lower the blind’s base rail. This technique is quite simple if your lift strings.

To restring your blind, get a restring pack that includes enough string to cover multiple times the length of your blind as well as the breadth of the window.

This method will work for small blinds and certain Venetian blinds.

Pull the lift rope from the base rail of the blind with pincers. Lower your blinds all the way. Examine the region beneath the base rail where the lift strings meet the base rail. If the lift string is knotted, cut it off and use forceps to pull it out a smidgeon. To reach the lift string, remove any tops that are holding the strings in place using forceps or a flathead screwdriver. If the lift string slips through, rethread it using the restring device.

If the lift string slips through the space at the base and into the base rail, use the restring device.

To merge the old and new strings, liquefy them. To protect your hands, put on some thick elastic gloves. Hold your new string parallel to the length of lift string visible at the bottom of your blind. Sear the tip of the old string and the tip of the new string with a lighter.

At that time, swiftly tap the two strings between your fingers with the charred tips touching to join them.

Bring the old string out to run the fresh string through the blind. Pull on both lift lines delicately to see which one rises the right side of the blind. When you recognise the string you replaced, pull the lift string down until the new string passes through the blind and out through the lift cord.

If your lift lines aren’t linked, replace the head rail strings separately. Some blinds may not have the lift string connected directly to the lift rope in the head rail.

 String new string through each support on these blinds, then use the wire restringing equipment to force the line through the head rail and power the lift string into the moving system, which is the notched chamber at the head of the head rail. You should learn something new.

To prevent the incognizant from slipping through, tie the new thread around its base. To keep the lift string from blasting through the base rail when you pull it, knot a huge bunch at the base of the string with the intention of the string hitting the inside of the base rail. Replace whatever attachments you planned to remove in order to reach the lift string by inserting the fitting. Using scissors, remove any extra thread from the rail’s base.

Rep with the other lift string. When you’ve replaced the lift rope for the correct side, repeat the process on the left. Push the lift string through the base rail and cut the bunch using pliers. At that moment, use your lighter to connect the new string to the old string. Pull the lift rope on the left side to string the new string through the head rail.